Understand your finances in 15 seconds

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100% Secure: Betterfin protects all customer data with bank-level encryption

Get automated insights into your cashflow that allow you to make the best financial decisions for your business.

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As seen on

Your business is growing—but you're struggling to manage your finances efficiently.
You're always wondering:

Here's the thing: Mismanaging your cashflow can bankrupt your business.

  • Getting an incomplete picture on your finances is impacting your revenue and profits. It is stopping your business from growing to its full potential.
  • The last thing you need is overdrafts, tight budgets and late payments.

But you did not start your business to spend all your time bent over your finances.

  • Calculating your cashflow is hard when you have to do it all on your own.
  • You're exporting spreadsheets to apps, manually putting together metrics and wasting hours on repetitive tasks. It's exhausting.
You've tried everything, but nothing gives you the transparency on your cashflow that you need.

Bank Portals

Are outdated and do not give you the insights you need to properly understand the cashflow of your business.

Excel Sheets

Need a lot of manual labour and time, and one single error can derail your calculations.

Complicated Fintech Products

Are workbenches which require you to feed in the data, when all you need is a way to understand your money.

Budget Trackers

Don't have all the features you need to get a complete overview of your spending, profits etc.

Get automated insights about your cashflow and make informed financial decisions that help you grow

Getting an incomplete picture on your finances is impacting your revenue and profits. It is stopping your business from growing to its full potential.

Monitor the pulse of your entire business from one single visual dashboard

Track your spending patterns and make adjustments to boost your growth.

  • Getting an incomplete picture on your finances is impacting your revenue and profits. It is stopping your business from growing to its full potential.
  • Budget based on historical data and never miss a bill. Keep your credit score high and build a reputable business. Remove the guesswork from your finances with emailed reports, daily.

Keep your data 100% secure.

  • Never compromise on the safety of your business—we use Plaid, owned by Visa, to securely connect your bank account, so you never have to worry about breaches or leaks.
  • We help you manage your cashflow and run your business smoothly, without the stress and extra effort.

Raise capital hassle free with pre-approved loans that match your profile.

  • We've curated a list of trusted, verified lenders and help you secure loans when you need them, for no extra cost. We'll analyze your profile, show you the loans you qualify for and make the process simple!
  • We also help you keep tabs on your credit score, and show you how to improve it!

Make the right financial decisions under the guidance of SBA-approved advisors.

  • Not sure how to direct the excess cashflow towards growing your business? Struggling to cut costs and manage your processes on a limited budget?
  • We connect you with seasoned advisors with years of experience with small businesses—so you can use the data from Betterfin for the best results.

Trusted by Thousands of Smart Business-Owners

“Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.”
Mary Smith
Founder of Pepsi Co
“Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.”
William Jones
CEO of Microsoft

Betterfin is invisible, effective, and gets the job done.

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We believe you shouldn't need a finance degree just to run a business. We believe in easy, accessible data that you can actually understand and use to help your company.

We believe in helping business-owners without needing their constant input/adding more to their plate.

That's why we're Betterfin. Not a complicated tool that you need to feed data into every week. Not another app you need to log into.

We cost you exactly 3 minutes a day, so you can stay on top of your numbers with automated reports.

So you can focus on the things that matter.

Without Betterfin
of all business owners do not employ a CFO and DIY their financial analytics
of businesses fail due to poor understanding of their cash flow
Nearly 50%
of SMEs have more than $20,000 in overdue invoices tying up their cashflow
With Betterfin
Save 10-20% more cash for your business
Get access to 20-30% more capital
Save $1000s of dollars every year

Connect your bank account to Betterfin in less than a minute.

We use Plaid (powered by Visa) to securely link your bank account to our software!

Don't let your finances hijack your workday.

Spend your time building and expanding your business, armed with insights provided by Betterfin.
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Automated Reports

100% Secure

Takes Less Than a Minute